What a FUN idea! I had a blast photographing a good friend of mine and her son's 1st birthday party! She said it was so wonderful not worrying about taking photos and having someone do all the work for her so she could enjoy it. There are SO many, but at least you can get a glimpse of all the fun!
I had the privilege of photographing a dear friend of mine's 3 month old this past weekend. He is SO cute and looks just like his daddy! Such a special little family. Here are a few of my favorites. There are so many! ENJOY!
My little angel is 9 months old today and I can't believe it! She will be 1 year old in 3 months! She has been such a delight over the past few months and I'm loving every minute with her. Please enjoy a couple of the recent photos I took of my little diva. These are too fun!
This is such a sweet family that we met when we first joined our church. Their son, Sutton, just turned 1 in October and is the busiest little 1 year old I've seen! I chased him all around to capture these shots...UNTIL he finally sat down for me and enjoyed his lollipop! The things we do for photos! ENJOY!
Not only are they some of our dearest friends in the world, but what a BEAUTIFUL family they make! I was thrilled when Marcela asked me to take her family's Christmas photos. The girls were too much fun! Enjoy some of my favorite shots, I can't get enough of them!
BRRRR...what a cold morning! And to top it off, we had two 5 month old twins and a little 5 year old diva. Talk about hard work! They were troopers and mom and dad were so fun. Here are some of my favorite shots from the morning!